Ladybirds Under 3s provision

Ladybirds offers a smaller environment than Nursery School, in an extension which opened in April 2015. It is led by staff with experience in this younger age range and specifically resourced for two-year-olds. 

With the same key staff, every session, who get to know the children well and form good relationships with them and their families. This the underpins and informs everything they do.

There is a focus on ensuring that a secure foundation for learning is established and the opportunity to develop skills needed in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Prime Areas of Learning: Personal Social and Emotional;  Physical;  Communication and Language.

Planning also develops the Characteristics of Effective Learning

  • Playing and exploring; 
  • Active learning; and 
  • Creating and Thinking Critically.

There are opportunities for links with the 3-5yrs learning areas and older friends and siblings so that when children become three years old they are well prepared and ready for the next phase of their Nursery experience.